Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Having a schedule for your baby/toddler

I have two children. I had some structure with my first child mash'allah. I needed more and didn't realize it. I notice the same with many first time moms.

It is indeed a big change having your first child. Your day basically revolves around your child's basic needs.  If you can give your child structure, however, that will make your life THAT much easier! Believe me!

Before having a child, you are used to taking 'me time' whenever you want. Gone are those days.  If you have structure in your life insh'allah, you will automatically be able to utilize the times he or she is napping/sleeping.  This will give you the patience to get through the days when you could really use a break.

If you are a first time mom, here's some basic things to do to get your day in order:
-Figure out how much sleep and food your child needs at their age. Internet! Books!
-Come up with a really basic schedule with nap and food times which YOU can STICK TO. This is important. If you can't stick to it, having it on paper won't get you anywhere.  So make dua. Do whatever you gotta do to figure out how you can stick to it because it will make your life lovely again :-) and when yur sleep deprived, that sounds lovely doesn't it?

The BEST incentive I can give you for having a routine/schedule for your baby/toddler is this:
If you have the child on a schedule, when they cry/fuss/need something, you will have a MUCH easier time figuring out what they need because their internal clock will become adjusted to this schedule and you'll be able to fulfill their need without the guesswork.  When yur sleep deprived and super tired, your mind is not working, so who has time to figure out why this baby is crying now?

This might be a good tool to use:

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